Pheww! well, that was an exciting ride. I just read my 2020 review today and laughed because God showed UP this year. It has been an extremely busy year, hence the lack of posts. I want to promise that 2022 will be better, but that would be a lie and honesty is the policy here. However, if I do have the time and something in my heart, I will share.
Let's dive in.... we left off the last post with me starting a new job and going into the second semester of my master's program. I kicked the year off with a much-needed fast and became a permanent resident (PR) in January, which was long overdue. Since my biggest challenge going into 2021 was not having my PR, when it happened, the rest of the months felt easy and light. I was doing great in school, at my job and my businesses were thriving.
By May, I graduated with distinction which was refreshing and felt like a confirmation of my hard work but you know that phase after graduation when people ask you 'what next?'...like every time! I did not think this question will bother me as much as this time around, but it did.. even more. I now had a master's degree to my name, what was my next step? marriage? a new job? more school? what?. Anyhoo.. summer came and I was determined to enjoy the weather and activities with my friends. I also signed up for a pitch competition for Sonola Sweets in June and came in second place (woohoo!!!), started a re-brand for Mane Experience to be launched next year and I just got a grant to support the project!!.. 2022 is looking interesting #tbh.

Okay, what else?...brought in year '24' at the mountains, being one with nature and God whilst ordering bottomless cocktails (there's a balance here...somewhere). This experience taught me that traveling during a pandemic is a hassle but that's one hassle I'm willing to go through again because I really needed that trip. So, #omarion&friends if you're listening don't mess things up for us in 2022!
About the 'what next' question, I decided to go back to school and try at this being a Registered Dietitian thing, this surprisingly was one of the easiest decisions I've ever made but it hasn't come without challenges.... lots of challenges. After completing a master's degree, I can CONFIRM that getting a bachelor's is harder. My first week back in class, I had about three meltdowns and I cried... a lot and questioned why I was even doing this to myself. In hindsight, that experience was needed because it made me work twice as hard and realize what I was working towards.
Like always, this journey had its ups and downs. Some downs.. more significant than the others, I know what those moments felt like but I choose to hold on to the fun memories. The one where I get selected for a groundbreaking thesis project, where I get to travel with my best friend, watch my partner get a dream job, the memory of planning the most amazing bridal shower for my now-married friends. The memories of loving and being loved by the most amazing people.
I am excited for 2022 and for the first time I am not terrified because I know what I have in my arsenal. I have ideas of what could happen... but ultimately I am unsure and I am okay with that. We spend so much time planning and wanting to author our lives, that we forget who the real author is. I went into 2021 intentional; in my faith, goals, and decisions. That doesn't stop, and it shouldn't for you either. Have a purpose and pray that it aligns with HIS purpose for you.
I'm so proud of you for getting through yet another year, I'm hopeful that 2022 has good gifts for you. If it ever gets dark, please hold on, remember you've been there before and it passed. I named 2022 my year of PROVISION because I truly don't know how I will survive the changes and growing pains but I trust and believe that the one who has provided for me to date, will see me through.

Not me crying and typing.... okay. In summary, you've done amazing this year and you'll do better next year. You've got this and I know it.
Bye to 2021 and hello 2022... and so it begins,
Lots of love,